Thursday, September 27, 2012

Research #14

I have attach all of the component on to the PCB circuit as we can see from picture below:

When I turn ON the power, the LED of circuit is light up.
Now I need to complete the programming for robot as I need to burn the program into this circuit. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Research #13

Design PCB PIC 16f877A

I'm using Proteus as it is easy to design a circuit and easy to use. Below is the schematic of the circuit.

Print view of circuit schematic.

View : 3D Visualization 

 UV Light Process
  • To make a PCB, the design need to be print on a transparent paper before it is affixed into PCB by going thru a UV rays process which will take about 80 second to complete. 
  •  PCB will added with a liquid for etching process. 
  • The ferric chloride powder will the mixed with warm water. 
  • Then silica will detach and remove the layer by washed with clean water. 
  •  the PCB will be insert into a developer liquid that will silicon oxide from the PCB.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Research #12

after discussed with my supervisor , they advised me to use PIC16 series that consist 40-pin.
This is because it has high performance reduce instruction set computing (RISC) CPU with operating speed up to 200ns of instruction cycle. It only have 35 of instruction set. It also has a programmable code protection.

datasheet PIC 16f877A:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Research #11

As from the last week update, I have finish assemble all the hollow on top of the main body platform. While the servos is placed on the each leg

Side view: 

 Top view 
As for now overall of the robot structure is simply look like a spider. Later on, I will design the PCB base on the PIC16 series for the robot.